November 3rd, 2023
Long-Term Reliability Project Name: ST-19
PIN: 480450099
Facility: Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
Nameplate Capacity: 120-megawatt/480-megawatt hour
Proponents Name: 1000234813 Ontario Inc.
Public Meeting #1: 6:00 pm on November 20th, 2023 – at Centennial Centre, Hall Community Centre (101 Centennial Drive, Gravenhurst, ON.)
Public Meeting #2: 6:00 pm on November 27th, 2023 – Online, Microsoft Teams (see below for link)…
IESO Procurement Background
After more than a decade of strong supply, Ontario is entering a period of emerging electricity system needs, driven by increasing demand, the retirement of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, the refurbishment of other nuclear generating units, and expiring supply contracts at other facilities.
To address these needs, the Long-Term Request for Proposals (LT1 RFP) is expected to competitively procure 2,518 MW of year-round effective capacity from dispatchable new build resources. These include new build storage facilities, registered or able to become registered in the IESO-administered markets, larger than 1 MW and which can deliver a continuous amount of electricity to a connection point on a distribution system or transmission system for at least four consecutive hours. The LT1 RFP Proposal Submission Deadline is December 12, 2023, prior to 3:00 P.M. (EPT).
Proponent Information
1000234813 Ontario Inc., operating as Solar Flow-Through Funds (SFF), is a group of limited partnerships with offices in Vancouver and Toronto. SFF has partnered with IPG Electric and two First Nations communities in Ontario to co-own the facility to participate in IESO’s long-term capacity procurement to ensure reliability in Ontario’s electricity grid. SFF develops facilities and technologies that contribute to the global reduction of greenhouse gases and use of fossil fuels. Currently, SFF’s portfolio consists of 70 operating solar projects in Ontario, totaling 29 MW DC.
The Proponent is a Qualified Applicant under the IESO procurement process. SFF has retained SolarBank Corp. (formerly known as Abundant Solar Energy Inc.), an experience renewable energy project developer, to prepare applications for the LT1 RFP, which are due on December 12th, 2023. If selected for the IESO contract in Q2 2024, permitting and development would commence in Q3 2024; and all protocols including but not limited to safety, environmental protection, site plan approval, and applicable visual screening will be followed. The projects are expected to be operational in 2026, and then operate for 22 years per LT1 Contract.
SolarBank is acting as an agent and developer for SFF. SolarBank is a Canadian renewable and clean energy project developer and asset operator. Since 2013, SolarBank has enabled the proliferation of renewable and clean energy contributing to reduce carbon emission goals through its development, engineering, and asset management services in Canada and the United States.
Project Information
Nameplate Capacity: 120-megawatt/480-megawatt hour
The proposed utility grid-connected battery energy storage systems (BESS) will be located at Legal Description: PCL 28086 SEC MUSKOKA; E 1/2 LT 6 CON A MORRISON; S/T LT19286; GRAVENHURST; THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA, GPS Coordinates: 44.790181, -79.237088 (street address unavailable, please refer to site plan below for exact location). The system will be a 120-megawatt/480-megawatt hour battery energy storage system using lithium battery technology. The BESS is expected to occupy approximately 10 acres of land, including all required setbacks, spacing, utility-owned substation and customer-owned substation. BESS components include containerized units housing all necessary batteries, inverters, fire suppression and extinguishment, and HVAC systems. The height of the containers will be 2.9 meters, and 4.48 m at the highest point (inc. aux equipment). The height of the substation equipment at the highest point will be one lightening mast at approximately 30 meters height. The system will be independently connected to the Ontario electricity grid. The BESS will be charged by the local grid overnight when there is low electricity demand and will supply power to the grid at times of high demand, providing significant benefits to grid reliability. Please see below for the proposed site plan and an example image of a BESS. Please note, we are currently in the preliminary stage of engineering and site plan and technology may change pending detailed engineering, community engagement, and utility and municipal requirements.